Legal Tips Regarding Daycares

t is back-to-school time and many parents will be searching for after-school care for their children.  Some parents may be searching for a new daycare for a variety of reasons (i.e. cost, dissatisfaction, etc.).  In order to make sure that you choose a daycare that is both cost-effective and safe for your child you must do some homework of your own. To learn how you can use law-related or legal resources to find a new daycare read, “5 Legal Tips for Choosing a New Daycare.” Image credit:  … [Read more...]

The Truth of Discharging Student Loans

If you ask most people, even some inexperienced bankruptcy attorneys, they will tell you that it is impossible to discharge student loan debts.  This is a myth and is not true.  Student loans may be discharged in bankruptcy under certain circumstances. The criteria for having a student loan discharged are strict and the procedure may be a little complex; however, it is not impossible.  An experienced bankruptcy attorney can review the individual’s situation to determine if he or she qualifies … [Read more...]

Study Shows Bankruptcy Saves Homes from Foreclosure

A 2014 study by the University of North Carolina Center for Community Capital has concluded what bankruptcy attorneys have known for quite some time – filing bankruptcy stops foreclosures.  The study entitled "Bankruptcy During Foreclosure: Home Preservation Through Chapters 7 and 13” found that if a homeowner filed for bankruptcy relief during a foreclosure proceeding, the homeowner reduced the risk of losing his home by 70%. For more details from the study and to get more information about … [Read more...]

Is money causing you to be depressed?

Being in debt is frustrating, stressful and emotionally draining.  Money problems can quickly overwhelm you and cause you to be depressed as you try to find a solution to your financial problems.  Even though you may not be able to immediately fix your financial problems, you can take steps to start feeling better as you continue to work on your financial troubles. For tips on how to beat money depression read, “7 Steps to Defeat Money Depression.” Image credit:  B Rosen … [Read more...]

Before you sign a lease read what the experts say

A lease is a legally enforceable agreement; therefore, you need to know your rights and responsibilities as a tenant.  Unfortunately, sometimes things will go wrong and you will need to rely on the terms of your lease to settle the issue.  If you have never signed a lease or if you have had a bad experience as a tenant, you should consider the advice given by experts about signing a lease. For helpful advice about signing a lease read, “6 Things Renters Should Do Before Signing a … [Read more...]

Do you need these estate planning documents?

In order to make sure that your final wishes are honored when you die, it is important that you consult an attorney to determine the estate planning documents you will need.  In addition to having a Final Will and Testament, many people also find that they need a power of attorney, living will or advance medical directive.  All of these documents serve a specific purpose to ensure that your wishes are carried out. For more information about estate planning documents read, “3 Estate Planning … [Read more...]

Buying a fixer-upper: Are you ready for the challenge?

Whether you are buying it for your primary residence, a vacation home, investment property or to “flip it,” buying a fixer-upper can be a challenge. Many buyers think they will just do the repairs and upgrades themselves to save money.  However, unless you are a contractor or you have construction experience, your fixer-upper may turn into a real money pit as you find projects that need to be done but are above your level of expertise. For other things to consider before buying a fixer-upper … [Read more...]

Using a Relative’s Address for School Assignment

  It is back to school time and some parents might not like the school that their child is assigned to attend.  Schools typically assign students based on their home address that is on the school application.  If parents use a relative’s address to get their child into another school, they could face legal problems. College students who try to use a relative’s address to qualify for in-state tuition can get into a lot of trouble.   For more information read, “Is It Legal to … [Read more...]

What Are The Rules For Making An Offer On A House?

Making on offer on a house requires skill and a little bit of luck (more skill than luck).  Knowing how to present yourself, as well as your written offer to purchase, is one of the best pieces of knowledge that you can possess when you are shopping for a new home. Sellers care about the sales price; however, those who are emotionally vested in their home will also care about who will be living in “their home” after they more. For tips on how to make a great offer on a house read, “4 Rules to … [Read more...]

Should Parents Take Out Life Insurance To Protect Them From Student Loan Payments?

No parent wants to think about losing his or her child; however, it does happen.  When the child is in college and in debt hundreds of thousands of dollars to student loan companies, a parent that co-signed the loans may find themselves in financial trouble in addition to the emotional devastation of losing a child. Purchasing term life insurance may be one way to protect parents from a financial disaster since student loans are not normally dischargeable in bankruptcy. For the full story … [Read more...]