Famous Cupcake Store Closes Doors

Crumbs is serving up its last delicious cupcake and putting over 800 workers in the unemployment line.  The New York City-based bakery has a total of 65 locations in 12 states; however, declining profits has pushed the company in Chapter 7 bankruptcy.  Citing a decline in sales, the company said that it will be “forced to cease operations” and consider its options including liquidation of its assets through a bankruptcy filing.  Crumbs reported an almost $4 million loss for the first quarter of … [Read more...]

Know What 5 Words Sell Your Home Fast

Early summer is homebuying season across most of America.  Sellers love this time of year because they can play up the curb appeal of their home and the outside features.  However, the five words that will have buyers knocking down your door having nothing to do with what is on the outside but everything to do with what is on the inside:  open, neutral, universal, quartz and green. For a description of how each word should apply to your home to sell it faster read, “5 Words That Can Help You … [Read more...]

Dressing Your Home for a Quick Sale

First impressions are the strongest.  Potential buyers may love the inside of your home; however, if their first impression is marred by a less than appealing front yard, they may never be able to get past the curb when thinking about your home.  Outdoor décor and curb appeal are very important when selling your home.  For example, if your car is in the driveway instead of the garage, their first impression may be that this house is too small for you so it may be too small for them. For more … [Read more...]

How to Prioritize Debts

If you have made the decision to pay down debts, you may be wondering which debts to pay off first.  Randomly choosing debts to pay extra on each month may lengthen the time it takes to pay off your debts and cost you more money in interest.  Learning which debts to pay off first is one of the key elements in becoming debt free and learning how to manage your money more wisely. For help in prioritizing debts and becoming debt free read, “Which Debt to Pay Off First.” Image credit:  R/DV/RS … [Read more...]

How to Save Money on Your Next Move

If you are planning on relocating, you should know that moving can be expensive.  Unless you are fortunate enough to have an employer that is paying for your relocation, moving costs for even a short trip across town can quickly add up if you are not careful. However, with some thoughtful planning and careful scheduling, you can reduce your moving costs and maybe have enough money left over for a relaxing dinner out after an exhausting day of loading and unloading the U-Haul truck. For tips … [Read more...]

How Long Will I Be in Bankruptcy?

The answer to this question largely depends on the type of bankruptcy case that you file as well as the particulars of your bankruptcy case.  A typical no-asset Chapter 7 bankruptcy case about four to six months to close after the date of filing.  However, a typical Chapter 13 bankruptcy (a repayment plan) lasts between three to five years.  Your bankruptcy attorney can explain which chapter of bankruptcy is best for you and how long you can anticipate being in bankruptcy. For a sample … [Read more...]

Ways to pay your mortgage off early to save money

Your home mortgage is probably one of the biggest debts that you owe and it may seem that you will never get it paid in full when you are in the first year of a 30-year mortgage.  While most homebuyers have good intentions about paying off their mortgage early, few find ways to make that happen.  However, if you are willing to employ some creative means, you can pay off your mortgage quicker.  For example, if both partners work, only spend based on the income of the lower-earning partner and use … [Read more...]

Why do you need a real estate lawyer?

If you are selling or buying a home, you are probably looking for ways to save money and cut costs. Sellers want to cut expenses so they put more money in their pocket while buyers are trying to find the best deal on their dream home.  However, one area that you should not try to save money is on your real estate attorney.  Buying or selling a home is a huge financial step and you need expert guidance as you take this step.  Real estate attorneys perform many service including researching the … [Read more...]

Is a Reverse Mortgage Right for Your Retirement?

You have probably seen the commercials about reverse mortgages and the actors in those commercials make it sound so easy.  Just tap into the equity you have worked hard to establish in your home and have the money you need right now.  For some homeowners, a reverse mortgage might be the solution to financial problems. However, reverse mortgages also carry some very ominous consequences such as losing your home. Before signing a reverse mortgage, you should always consult a real estate … [Read more...]

Can you pay off your student loans in five years?

Student loan debt is on the top of most everyone’s list of hotly debated topics.  Whether you believe that students should be able to discharge student loans through bankruptcy or whether you believe that students are not being responsible with the amount of student loan debt they undertake, one thing remains the same.  Student loan debt is taking over as the number one unsecured debt in America.  The key to securing your financial future is to pay off student loans as quickly as possible after … [Read more...]