With rents rising at twice the rate of income, many millennials are wisely beginning to explore the prospect of buying a home for the first time. According to Zillow, the affordability of buying a condo may make it the smartest way for millennials to enter the realm of homeownership. Because location is often a major selling point for millennial buyers who want to be close to work, night life, and other social settings, buying a condo often offers more bang for the buck than buying a … [Read more...]
6 Ways New Homeowners Waste Money
October 1, 2015 by
New homeowners may be highly tempted to go on a shopping spree to decorate, landscape, and fill every room with furniture all at once. But, not so fast. Buying a home is an expensive purchase on its own. You don’t want to make the mistake of overextending yourself (or your credit cards) with additional purchases right away when you can more easily tackle them later on down the road. In a recent article, Realtor.com cautions against six cash-draining mistakes new homeowners make. One mistake is … [Read more...]